This painting is clearly related to the first one, and is, in fact, "Landscape # 1, April, 2017." As you will soon see, some of the series have purple borders painted on them. The two paintings directly above and below have such borders, but in the photographing, did not turn out well, so they were cropped out. You will have to see the originals to view the purple borders on these paintings!
The painting directly above is simply known as "Landscape # 4, March, 2017."
Here you are able to see the purple border. Again, not perfectly photographed since art photography is not necessarily my strong suit. But you get the idea. This painting is: "Landscape # 1, March, 2017, so in all likelihood, it is, indeed the first painting I did in the series.
Landscape # 2, March, 2017".
"Landscape # 2, April, 2017".
"Mountain Range # 1, March 2017"
"Landscape # 3, March, 2017"
This painting also has a purple border
"Landscape # 5, March, 2017"